Frank Woggon, PhD

Chaplain. Clinical Theologian & Educator. Author.


Articles & Book Chapters

Woggon, Frank. “Deliberate Acticvity as an Art for (Almost) Everyone: Friedrich Schleiermacher on Pastoral Theology.” Journal of Pastoral Care 48, no. 1 (March 1994): 3 -13.


Woggon, Frank. “Chaplains and the Health Care Team.” In Leadership Handbooks of Practical Theology, Vol. 2: Outreach and Care, edited by J. D. Berkley, 458-459. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1994.


Woggon, Frank. “The will to be known: Toward a Pastoral Anthropology of the Self.” Pastoral Psychology 44, no. 1 (September 1995): 45-61.


Woggon, Frank. “John 17:1-11: About the meaning of life.” In The Minsters Manual 1996, edited by James W. Cox, 107-108. New York: HarperCollins, 1995.


Woggon, Frank. “Autorität in der Krise: Pastoraltheologische Überlegungen zum  Verhältnis von Autorität, Integrität und Gnade.” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Gemeinde 1 (1996): 122-144.


Woggon, Frank. “Metaphors for Ministry.“ Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry, 17 (1996): 122-126.


Woggon, Frank. “Die Ehre Gottes ist der lebendige Mensch: Gottesdienst als Seelsorge.” Zeitschrift für Theologie und Gemeinde 3 (1998): 131-160.


Woggon, Frank. “Der weite Weg der Baptisten nach Berlin.” In “Mit uns hat der Glaube nicht angefangen”: Wie die Freikirchen in Berlin begonnen haben, edited by Dietmar Lütz, 91-98. Berlin: WDL-Verlag, 2001.


Woggon, Frank. “For the Hatching of Our Hearts:  Friendship, Pastoral Care, and the Supervision of Ministry.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 57, no. 3 (September 2003): 257-267.


Woggon, Frank. “Telling the Truth: Bonhoeffer Revisited in Response to Gentry’s Discussion.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 62 (5 Suppl., 2008): 429-430.


Woggon, Frank. "’Look at Me, But Don't!’: Revisiting the Narcissistic Dilemma in Pastoral Supervision.” The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 68, no. 1-2 (March-June 2014): 1-10.


Head, B. A., Schapmire, T., Hermann, C., Earnshaw, L., Faul, A., Jones, C., Kayser, K., Martin, A., Shaw, M. A., Woggon, Frank, Pfeifer, M. “The Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Oncology Palliative Care Education (iCOPE): Meeting the Challenge of Interprofessional Education. Journal of Palliative Medicine 17, no. 10 (October 2014): 107-114.


Woggon, Frank. “’Ein Mann hatte zwei Söhne …’ – Vom Umgang mit Schuld und Scham.” In Nah bei den Menschen: Impulse für Gemeindetheologie, Gemeindeleitung und Seelsorge. Festschrift für Olaf Kormannshaus zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Ralf Dziewas, Sebastian Gräbe, and Andrea Klimt, 138-144. Kassel: Oncken Verlag, 2015.


Head, B. A., Schapmire, T., Earnshaw, L., Faul, A., Hermann, C., Jones, C., Martin, A., Shaw, M. A., Woggon, Frank, Zeigler, C., Pfeifer, M.: “Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Curriculum Teaching Team-based Palliative Care Integration in Oncology. Journal of Cancer Education 31 (February 2015): 359-365.


Shapmire, T., Head, B. A., Furman, C. D., Jones, C., Peters, B., Shaw, M. A., Woggon, Frank, Ziegler, C., Pfeifer, M. “The Interprofessional Education Exchange: The Impact of a Faculty Development Program in Interprofessional Palliative Oncology Education on Trainee Competencies, Skills, and Satisfaction.” Palliative Medicine Reports 2, no. 1 (October 2021): 296-304.


Woggon, Frank, Arlyck, M., Maddox Hill, S., Small Stokes, L. “The Development of an Outcome Oriented and Research Informed Spiritual Care Assessment and Documentation Form for the Electronic Health Record in an Adult Hospital Setting.” Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 28, no. 3 (July 2022): 400-414.


Head, B., Shapmire, T., Jones, C., Peters, B., Furman, C. D., Sjaw, M. A., Woggon, Frank, & Pfeifer, M. “’Opening Eyes to Real Interprofessional Education’: Results of a National Faculty Development Initiative Focused on Interprofessional Education in Oncology Palliative Care.” Journal of Interprofessional Care 36, no. 5 (September 2022): 698-705.