Frank Woggon, PhD

Chaplain. Clinical Theologian & Educator. Author.

“Appreciative dialogue that is rooted in love for the world and its inhabitants transcends dogmatic certitude about the human condition and is open to discover new possibilities of seeing and naming the world, including one’s theological world.”


From The Empathic God: A Clinical Theology of At-onement, p. 15


The Empathic God

The Empathic God offers a re-interpretation of the Christian doctrine of atonement from the perspective of clinical spiritual care and develops a theological theory for spiritual care based upon that interpretation.


The American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting

2024 San Diego

November 23 - 26, 2024

I will be at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) and the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in San Diego, CA in November. If you attend and want to connect, feel free to check in at the Fortress Press exibition and leave your contact information, and I'll be in touch. There will be book-signing events at certain times, and they will be advertised at the Fortress Press exhibition.





November 29, 2024

JourneyTalks is a podcast that is hosted by the Rev. Jorge Sayago-Gonzales and focuses on how to connect with gratitude and inspiration in one's life. Season 2 just came out, and the first episode is a conversation I had with Jorge earlier this year about gratitude, self-awareness, fears and challenges, and the wisdom on the journey that is life.


Crescent Hill Baptist Church: The Empathic God - Book Presentation and Discussion Sessions 

November 6, 13, and 20, 2024

Join me, as I discuss the central concepts and argument of my book about The Empathic God in three 1-hour sessions at Crescent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. The presentations will start at 6 pm, and if you would like to have supper with church members before, feel free to arrive at 5:15: pm. CHBC is a welcoming and affirming congregation and an open-minded bunch of believers, who are trying to follow in the way of Jesus. It's happening at 2800 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206.


The topics for the sessions are:

November 6:    The Shadow of the Cross: A Problematic Atonement

November 13:  Shame, Empathy, and the Human Condition

November 20:  Practicing At-onement: How the Empathic God Event Calls Upon us